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Use the "ASK NOW" button (right) to submit your own question. We'll answer your question and possibly use it in our next Ask The Glue Pros ad, as well as, post it here on this page. Following are questions asked by users of BSI glues.

I'm doing powder inlays (copper and turquoise) in wood with your thin CA. Is there a better CA that is easier to sand – this stuff is tough. – D. Z., Fairview Hts, IL

If you wait more than an hour to sand the Insta-Cure or Super-Gold thin CA after its initial cure, it is difficult to sand. We try to sand the CA within 5-15 minutes after applying it, starting with 80-120 grit sandpaper, then switching to finer grits. It's important to use a hard backed sanding block so that the areas with a higher level are worked down first. The hard block also allows a smooth feathering of the edges of the CA into the material without the CA. Using Insta-Flex flexible thin CA will give you a surface that is easier to sand. This works very good on harder woods, but our tests on balsa wood show that the resulting surface is easier to dent. The cured regular thin CA withstood the same impact force with no affect on the finish.

I have just purchased a laser cut model aircraft kit which is going to weigh approx 10 lbs. Because all the edges of ply have been slightly burnt by the laser torch, what adhesive would you advise to use throughout its construction? – O. Sivertsen, Southsea, England
I use BSI’s Slow-Cure epoxy for setting inlays in ebony on musical instruments. I’ve done this many times with good success; however, on my last ones the epoxy never fully hardened and still feels tacky. What could I have done wrong? – W. Talley, West Chester, PA
What is the best way to store CA glue? Should I keep open bottles in my freezer? – R. Pierce, Anderson, IN
I mixed half of the contents of each bottle of your 30 minute epoxy in a small dish and after less than ten minutes it became very hot and solidified. Why did this happen? – V. Bolborici Toronto, Canada
I sometimes have a love/ hate relationship with your CA tops. They allow me to apply the CA in fine amounts, but sometimes they clog. Do you have a secret for keeping the nozzle clear? – B. Frank, Phoenix, AZ
What do you recommend mixing into epoxy to make it thinner? Also, can I add a color to it? – B. Hadley, Portland, OR
Is it possible to use your Super-Gold+ on ELAPOR® foam used by Multiplex? – W. de Vries, Holland
Should I be mixing BSI’s epoxies by equal volume or weight? Also, can I add more hardener to speed the cure? – K. Achee, Citronelle, AL
What is the best way to apply Insta-Cure super thin CA? Many times when I apply it the CA goes places I didn’t want it to go. – W. Tobler, Junction City, CA
My organization uses many of your adhesives but we need Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to meet OSHA requirements. Where can I get them? I couldn’t find them on your web site. – J. High, Langley, VA
CA fumes really irritate my eyelids. Could I use your Super-Gold odorless CAs for balsa construction? – M. Mann, Concord, CA
I am looking for an epoxy resin to improve the fuel proofing on my 25 yr old model aeroplane. Will Finish-Cure™ do the job? – A. Gould, UK
What is the best way to fix broken cups, plates and porcelain/ceramic knickknacks? – K. O’Clair, San Luis Obispo, CA
What are the cured heat ranges for BSI epoxies? – J. Stern, Livermore, CA
My son has been using BSI’s Insta-Cure adhesives for making balsa wood towers that are tested to destruction at his school. A friend suggested that he use one of your competitor’s CA but it wouldn’t bond the balsa. What is special about BSI CA that makes it work better in this application? – D. George, Sparks, MD
My hobby dealer recommended your Finish-Cure for glassing over balsa. Can the epoxy be used just by itself to provide a hard finish? – M. Campbell, Oklahoma City, OKD
I told you in Toledo this year I was very allergic to CA. You gave me some of your foam safe Super-Gold and told me I would be able to use it. I tried a very little at first and, to my surprise, there was no reaction. I always envied someone who could use CA, and now I can thanks to you. I have had two bouts with phenomena-like symptoms after using regular CA. You have an excellent product and should advertise the fact that it is non-allergenic. – R. Juschkus, Saint James, NY
I've heard several sources say CA glues aren’t waterproof. My experience shows this is not accurate with respect to modern CAs. Are CAs waterproof? – P. Matthews, West Bloomfield, MI
How can I slow the curing of CA? – P. Gieseking, Phil’s Hobby Shop, IN (Who also provides the answer)
I’ve used your Insta-Set accelerator for a number of years in my dental lab and have found that it, as opposed to the industry standards, works better. What makes it different? – C. Johnson, Lake Geneva, WI
Why are your CAs packaged in oval bottles? Round ones would not tip over as easy. – J. White, Buffalo, NY
Just a note to tell you that I have learned a lot from your ‘Ask the Glue Pros’ in the various magazines. I learned ‘the hard way’ when I used some of your competitor’s CA thinking ‘it was all the same’. It would not bond nearly as fast. BSI, or local hobby shop (LHS) brand, for me from now on. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! – G. Bishop, Frisco, TX
I am building a very expensive thermal dynamic glider and need to bond a brass female coupler to a steel pushrod. Will IC-2000 work on such a critical application? – J. Kapitan, Cambridge, NY
When using your Super-Gold thin CA to assemble an aircraft made of a fine grain smooth white foam, there was some cratering on edges of the joints. What caused this? – L. Scribner, Southern Pines, NC
I would like to attach clear polystyrene canopies to plastic models. What CA can I use that will not fog the inside of the canopy? Also, what thin CA can I use on very thin polystyrene sheet? CA usually deforms the plastic. – J. Ruehle, Houston, TX
How do you remove Insta-Cure gap filling CA from skin? –S. Engel, Arlington Heights, IL
Once I have bonded two small wood pieces together with CA, is it possible to separate the two without doing much damage to them? –J. Joosten, Mukilteo, WA
I am a woodworker and I have found that cracks develop in the white oak I use to make bowls. Can Insta-Cure be used to repair the cracks and seal the wood? – R. Erickson, Woodbury, MN
What material would be best for soaking up excess thin CA with minimum fuss? – K. Ong, Singapore
I have a bottle of older CA that has gotten thicker than when I bought it. Can I add acetone to the CA to bring it back to its original thickness? – M. Anderson, Thomasville, NC
Why would I ever need to use your Insta-Set accelerator? Your CAs bond so quickly I don't think I would need them to be any faster. – J. Biersach, Madison, WI
Is Slow-Cure or Finish-Cure recommended when laminating glass cloth to patch elongated holes on wheel pants of a full-size aircraft? – I. Borookow, South Windsor, CT
I've used your products with much success over many years of modeling. I'm currently building a P-38 kit with a fiberglass fuselage and nacelles made with polyester resin. What adhesive should I use to bond the bulkheads? – V. Johnson, Durango, CO
Is Insta-Cure safe for use in aquariums? – B. Foster, Barnesville, GA
I was watching the show MythBusters on TV the other night and they demonstrated how all the furniture in a room could be super glued to the ceiling. It looked like they were using BSI's products for this. Is that true? – R. Smith, Cape Coral, FL
I would just like to say how pleased I am with the Insta-Flex+ rubberized CA. It is the best tire glue I have used, and I have tried a lot of them. – J. Bennett, Escanaba, MI and J. O'Quinn, Spring Hill, TN
Will any of your epoxies work on installing fiberglass cloth to PVC planking on a model boat? –R. SercuHilton, NY
What CA is best to use on balsa if it has to be sanded? –T. Hubbard Victoria, Australia
Can CA be used to repair flaws in the finish of musical instruments? –W. R. Hinton,  Napolean, OH
I am highly sensitive to regular CA glues but your odorless Super-Gold is working fine for me. It is, however, a little thicker than regular thin CA. Will the Super-Gold wick into CA hinges like regular CA? Or do you have another product suggestion? – S. Strickland Montgomery, AL
Do you sell your products through sources other than hobby shops? – R. Johnston, Orem, U
Which glues should be used when working with balsa, basswood and plywood to give maximum strength? – Steve Dixon
I have two wood wing halves to join (68" total span). Which of your epoxies would be best, and what is the lowest temperature permitted during the curing time? – C.E. Lee West Yorkshire, UK
What is your best all-around household glue? – S. Levine Brooklyn, NY
Can I use your Insta-flex glue for plastic hinges? If not, what product do you recommend. – E. Aughtry Concord, CA
I am having a problem getting good bonds between some structural members of the R/C models I make and EPP foam. Is there something I should use to clean the foam first? – R. Torrito East Hartford, CT
What will CA not stick to?– R. Kirchoff Griffin, CA
I am fixing my pet’s drinking fountain. Will CA be toxic to my dog?– M. Moore Erie, PA
Can you tell me if CA can be exposed to gasoline without losing its bond? I have a gas tank on a weed eater that has a crack in it and need to seal it. - R. Cook, Enid, OK
I used BSI CA to repair the top from my sugar bowl (the bonding was very effective). It cured while sitting on a dark marble countertop. When I picked up the top, a dull, discolored circle was left on the marble. What caused this? - J. Fletcher, N. Yorkshire, U.K.
I leave a bottle of Insta-Cure open on the workbench, knock it over, it won't ever spill. But should I ever try to put it in my backpack to take it somewhere, it goes EVERYWHERE. How do you suggest transporting a bottle of CA, short of an airtight steel case? -CRC, Pennsylvania
I have a grumpy customer here who thinks he is getting short changed. Your bottles are never filled to the top, with the ½ oz. bottles only a little over half full. These levels are always consistent, but are my customers getting the amount of CA that the label states? – C. Avenell, Auckland, New Zealand
I have found your Foam-Cure glue to be an excellent product and have highly recommended it to my fellow flyers. Could you tell me the approximate shelf life of Foam-Cure? Are there any steps that can be taken to improve the shelf life, such as storing unopened bottles in a fridge? -M. Mackay, Vancouver, Canada