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Odorless Foam-Safe CA

Available Sizes: 1 oz. (28.4 g)
Super-Gold+™ is foam-safe, odorless super glue. Super glues can produce fumes that can be irritating to the eyes and nose. While not toxic, some people can become sensitized to these fumes. Super-Gold+™ is BSI’s odorless form of Cyanoacrylate that gives the same high performance characteristics as BSI’s Insta-Cure+ without the irritating fumes. Super-Gold+ will not fog clear plastic and glass, which can occur with the use of standard Cyanoacrylates. It can also be used on all foams. The cost may be higher, but the added benefits make Super-Gold+ the best quality adhesive for the consumer.
Works Best On:
- Rubber
- White Foam
Works Good On:
- Balsa Wood
- Soft Wood
- Hard Wood
- Glass & Metal
- Fiberglass
- Ceramics
- Hard Plastics
- Laminating
- Water-Resistant
- Reinforcing
- CA Hinges
Unscrew top from nozzle. For finer applications, use the extender tip. Apply Super-Gold+™ CA to one side of the parts being joined, then hold them tightly together for 5-15 seconds. For larger bonding areas, apply serpentine beads of the CA with enough spacing to allow for the spreading ofthe adhesive. Insta-Set™ accelerator must be used when bonding two pieces of foam together. Full strength is reached in three hours. Wipe the nozzle clean before replacing screw-on top. Refrigerate to extend shelf life. Cured CA is stable from -40 to 220° F. Soak extender tip in acetone for cleaning.

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